What is a heritage conservation district (HCD)?

    A Heritage Conservation District (HCD) – defined under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act – is a geographically defined area within a municipality that is noted for its distinct heritage character. Through the adoption of a plan, guidelines, or policies, a municipality is able to guide future change of the district area.

    Isn't Walkerville already a Heritage District?

    Walkerville is currently not a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) as recognized by Ontario laws. The Study is intended to evaluate the heritage resources within Walkerville and its merits to become a HCD as well as alternative Planning tools. The conclusion of the study including Community input through the Public Engagement results would be brought forward to Windsor City Council. 

    What is the difference between a HCD and Heritage Area?

    A Heritage Conservation District (HCD) is defined under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act as a "geographically defined area within a municipality that is noted for its distinct heritage character". A HCD is established through a by-law adopted by a municipality, and must be registered with the Ontario Heritage Trust.  

    A Heritage Area is defined in the City of Windsor Official Plan as an "area or neighbourhood where there are collections of important heritage resources". The Official Plan policies promote the enhancement and maintenance of heritage resources, but are not regulated or enforceable through permits. A heritage area does not have the same legal status as a HCD. 


    How would a HCD designation affect my property value?

    Studies conducted on this topic analyzed that most HCD properties have a positive association with property values.
    Refer to Studies:
    Heritage Designation and Property Values: Is there an Effect?, 2000. International Journal of Heritage Studies 6(1):83-100.
    "The Economic Value of Heritage Districts:  How Assessment Growth in Heritage Conservation Districts Compares With Non-designated Areas in Hamilton", 2016. Urban Insights bulletin, CivicPlan.

    "Investigating the Impact of Heritage Property Designation on Real Estate Value". 2023. McMaster University Researchers. 

    Would a HCD affect my ability to change my property?

    A HCD Plan outlines how exterior changes to a property would be managed to enhance the neighbourhood's unique character (with no impact to the interior of properties). The creation of a HCD Plan is not part of the current Study's scope of work and would only commence with community input, should Council decide to proceed with it.