Study Background
Purpose and Objectives
The Truck Route Study will:
- Recommend an updated truck route network that better meets the needs of both residents and stakeholders, ensuring that goods can be moved efficiently and safely to support economic activity and provide essential and valuable services
- Minimize or manage the negative impacts of trucks to provide a good quality of life for the community
- Ensure that the City’s truck route network appropriately serves both current and future conditions, given recent and planned changes to the City’s land use, including new industrial areas and new residential development
In determining the most appropriate truck route treatments and developing the most suitable truck route network for the City of Windsor, the study must address varied and often competing perspectives.
Meanwhile, the City of Windsor and its Council also have the City’s transportation, land use, climate emergency, economic development, safety and fiscal goals in mind.
Project Consultant
The project is being led by Arcadis, who bring significant experience related to goods movement and in undertaking truck route studies across Ontario.
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