Truck Route Study
The City of Windsor is embarking on a Truck Route Study to review and update its truck route network to address the changing context, needs and priorities in Windsor.
The study will recommend an updated truck route network that better meets the needs of both residents and stakeholders, ensuring that goods can be moved efficiently and safely to support economic activity and provide essential and valuable services, while also minimizing or managing the negative externalities of goods movement to provide a good quality of life for the community.
The City of Windsor is embarking on a Truck Route Study to review and update its truck route network to address the changing context, needs and priorities in Windsor.
The study will recommend an updated truck route network that better meets the needs of both residents and stakeholders, ensuring that goods can be moved efficiently and safely to support economic activity and provide essential and valuable services, while also minimizing or managing the negative externalities of goods movement to provide a good quality of life for the community.
Phase 2: Draft Truck Route Networks - Public Questionnaire
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Phase 2: Draft Truck Route Networks - Public Questionnaire is now live, please take the time to participate.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 Draft Reports
Draft version of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Draft Reports are now available online.
Phase 1: Needs and Opportunities (PDF)
Report Purpose
This report presents a summary of relevant context and background information to inform on the Truck Route Study, it documents the draft truck route network principles, objectives and related criteria that will serve as the basis for assessing the candidate truck route network and it's segments, and outlines needs and opportunities related to truck movements in the City of Windsor.
The report is informed by the first round of engagement of the study, which aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of needs, concerns and opportunities related to the truck route network in the City of Windsor.
Phase 2: Truck Route Network Development (PDF)
Report Purpose
This report builds on Phase 1 of the Truck Route Study, which provided a foundational understanding of the context, issues and opportunities related to the truck route network.
This Phase 2 report describes a transparent and methodical process to inform truck route network development. The report presents two truck route network options, from which a single network option will be further developed in Phase 3 of the study.
Public Information Centre (PIC) 2
Public Information Centre (PIC) 2
Join us for one of two drop-in consultation events:
Monday April 29, 2024 – 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
John Muir Library
Address: 363 Mill Street, Windsor, ONTuesday April 30, 2024 – 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
WFCU Centre – Michigan/Superior/Huron Room
Address: 8787 McHugh St, Windsor, ONLight refreshments to be served
Please Review the PIC2 Boards
Study Background
Purpose and Objectives
The Truck Route Study will:
- Recommend an updated truck route network that better meets the needs of both residents and stakeholders, ensuring that goods can be moved efficiently and safely to support economic activity and provide essential and valuable services
- Minimize or manage the negative impacts of trucks to provide a good quality of life for the community
- Ensure that the City’s truck route network appropriately serves both current and future conditions, given recent and planned changes to the City’s land use, including new industrial areas and new residential development
In determining the most appropriate truck route treatments and developing the most suitable truck route network for the City of Windsor, the study must address varied and often competing perspectives.
Meanwhile, the City of Windsor and its Council also have the City’s transportation, land use, climate emergency, economic development, safety and fiscal goals in mind.
Project Consultant
The project is being led by Arcadis, who bring significant experience related to goods movement and in undertaking truck route studies across Ontario.
Study Phases
The City of Windsor Truck Route Study includes the following four phases:
- Phase 1: Identify Study Needs and Opportunities
- Phase 2: Draft Truck Route Network Development *we are here
- Phase 3: Recommended Truck Route Network
- Phase 4: Consultation and Communications (takes place throughout Phases 1-3)
Project Timeline
The City of Windsor Truck Route Study commenced in July 2023 and is expected to conclude by Spring 2024.
What is a truck route network?
A truck route network is a regulatory designation used to manage the movement of trucks, both heavy and light, throughout an area.
Defining truck route networks is common practice among Canadian municipalities to guide trucking activity, providing truck drivers with a cohesive network of suitable roads for accessing freight generators, while avoiding the infiltration of truck through traffic into residential and other sensitive areas.
The economy of Ontario relies on the effective and efficient movement of trucks, and truck route networks provide rules that balance economic needs and the trucking industry with the desire to minimize the negative impacts of trucks on sensitive land uses and people.
Windsor’s current truck route network
Windsor’s truck route network is governed by Part IX of Traffic By-law 9148 (available here), which specifies that no “truck”, defined as vehicles of 4,500 kg or more gross vehicle weight or registered gross weight, shall be operated on any highway in the City of Windsor other than the highways set out in its truck route network. Trucks are allowed to use other roads only as the shortest access and egress between their origin/destination and the designated truck route.
An alternative map of the existing City of Windsor truck route network is available here.
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Key Dates
April 29 → April 30 2024
Current Truck Route Network Map.pdf (1.52 MB) (pdf)
Future Truck Route Network Map - Option1.pdf (4.85 MB) (pdf)
Future Truck Route Network Map - Option2.pdf (4.85 MB) (pdf)
Truck Route Study PIC 2 Boards.pdf (8.21 MB) (pdf)
Network Development Process.pdf (1000 KB) (pdf)
Network Mitigations.pdf (903 KB) (pdf)
Truck Route PIC2 Notice.pdf (107 KB) (pdf)
Truck Route Study Phase 1 Report.pdf (13.6 MB) (pdf)
Truck Route Study Phase 2 Report.pdf (6.52 MB) (pdf)