Report on the State of our Environment (ROSE)

Boy painting flower mural


Windsor’s first Report on the State of our Environment (ROSE) was completed in 2008 and approved by City Council in 2009. This report was identified in Windsor’s Environmental Master Plan (EMP) as a way to monitor the Plan’s ongoing implementation and progress. A second ROSE was developed and approved by Council in 2013, and a third in 2017. These documents provide data which can now be built upon. The ROSE is a way to track specific environmental indicators over time. It is our hope that these indicators will improve as a re­sult of changes to corporate policy and operations, as well as community action.

As described in the original ROSE, the indicators chosen to be monitored over time were discussed with a group of City staff and community partners. In most cases, the indicators were chosen because they were relatively easy to track, and provided insight into the state of the environment. This is not an exhaustive list of environmental indicators, and there may be various factors influencing them. For example, the weather plays a role in many of the water quality indicators.

The 2022 ROSE report reflects the realignment of goals set out in the 2017 Environmental Master Plan, which separated Air and Water Quality into two separate goals to allow a specific focus on each element. This report provides trends in data collected since 2007 and will continue to be updated every four or five years.

The indicators included in the ROSE have been grouped and presented in alignment with the updated five goals in the 2017 EMP:

The indicators chosen focus on the priorities set by Council in the EMP, namely, to focus on the actions of the Corporation and items that the City can control, in the context of larger environmental change. The focus was also kept as “local” as possible by focusing on indicators that reflect the health of Windsor’s environment.

Environmental Attitudes Survey

The Environmental Attitudes Survey is an opportunity for the City to better understand and assess residents' current attitudes and opinions about Windsor's environment. The results from the Environmental Attitudes Survey will assist the City in decision making and prioritizing actions that affect the entire community with direct impacts on the environment.

The objectives of the Enviornmental Attitudes Survey are aimed at understanding individual attitudes and opinions related to:

  • Environmental likes and challenges within Windsor;
  • Actions that residents feel the City should take to improve Windsor's environment;
  • Willingness to pay additional taxes to support environmental actions;
  • Awareness of, and satisfaction with, environmentally related City-run initiates;
  • A ranking of environmental attributes such as air and water quality.

In addition, the survey will be used as a foundation for future consultation events and the development of priorities for the Environmental Master Plan


Windsor’s first Report on the State of our Environment (ROSE) was completed in 2008 and approved by City Council in 2009. This report was identified in Windsor’s Environmental Master Plan (EMP) as a way to monitor the Plan’s ongoing implementation and progress. A second ROSE was developed and approved by Council in 2013, and a third in 2017. These documents provide data which can now be built upon. The ROSE is a way to track specific environmental indicators over time. It is our hope that these indicators will improve as a re­sult of changes to corporate policy and operations, as well as community action.

As described in the original ROSE, the indicators chosen to be monitored over time were discussed with a group of City staff and community partners. In most cases, the indicators were chosen because they were relatively easy to track, and provided insight into the state of the environment. This is not an exhaustive list of environmental indicators, and there may be various factors influencing them. For example, the weather plays a role in many of the water quality indicators.

The 2022 ROSE report reflects the realignment of goals set out in the 2017 Environmental Master Plan, which separated Air and Water Quality into two separate goals to allow a specific focus on each element. This report provides trends in data collected since 2007 and will continue to be updated every four or five years.

The indicators included in the ROSE have been grouped and presented in alignment with the updated five goals in the 2017 EMP:

The indicators chosen focus on the priorities set by Council in the EMP, namely, to focus on the actions of the Corporation and items that the City can control, in the context of larger environmental change. The focus was also kept as “local” as possible by focusing on indicators that reflect the health of Windsor’s environment.

Environmental Attitudes Survey

The Environmental Attitudes Survey is an opportunity for the City to better understand and assess residents' current attitudes and opinions about Windsor's environment. The results from the Environmental Attitudes Survey will assist the City in decision making and prioritizing actions that affect the entire community with direct impacts on the environment.

The objectives of the Enviornmental Attitudes Survey are aimed at understanding individual attitudes and opinions related to:

  • Environmental likes and challenges within Windsor;
  • Actions that residents feel the City should take to improve Windsor's environment;
  • Willingness to pay additional taxes to support environmental actions;
  • Awareness of, and satisfaction with, environmentally related City-run initiates;
  • A ranking of environmental attributes such as air and water quality.

In addition, the survey will be used as a foundation for future consultation events and the development of priorities for the Environmental Master Plan

  • 2023 Report on the State of the Environment Posted

    Windsor's Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change submitted the 2023 Report on the State of the Environment (ROSE) to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee on March 27, 2024. The report will be submitted to City Council on April 22, 2024. Copy of the report can be found under documents.

Page last updated: 11 Apr 2024, 01:42 PM